How to Be an Ally To Women in Industrial Design

A guide for Allyship, From Realization & Understanding to Education & Engagement to action.

In a season of resolutions, we’ve put together a guide for anyone looking to become a better ally, particularly women in industrial design. “Ally” can be an intimidating concept, but we’ve set out to make it more approachable and help guide you in your allyship journey, regardless of where you’re at. We hope this guide can give you the insights and tools to be the best version of yourself.


Being an ally to Women in Industrial Design isn’t an absolute. It is not that you ARE or ARE NOT an ally.

It is a spectrum of how aware and active you are. You may find that you are at different levels within that spectrum, depending on your context. The fact that you are here reading this means you are making yourself aware, which is a great first step. 

It is the season to be forward-thinking toward goals and resolutions of the year to come. We have collected suggestions from topical articles, books, research, and design colleagues, for being an ally to Women in Industrial Design. 

We are bringing you these suggestions in chapters and will continue to add them over the coming months. This is by no means all-inclusive. There are many other incredible experts out there writing on this topic. We are here to amplify those voices to the ID community and engage you all to continue the conversation.

Sketch note illustration above by the Laura Leenhouts


Click to go deeper into each of these topics.